The eggplants look especially happier after the compost tea (or perhaps the warmer weather?). I was worried the most about them. The tomatoes and peppers have begun to flower! Things are definitely looking up in my garden!
This needs to be a quick blog post, so I will hold off on photos for now. I have been taking them weekly to track growth. It should be fun to do a comparison post soon. :)
Here's a list of what's currently growing, to the best of my knowledge. I would also provide the number of plants for each, but sadly I am unsure of about 40% of them. I got lazy about labeling and now I am regretting it. I am sure they will make themselves known at some point! Aside from the thymes, oreganos, onions, lavender, and giant bell peppers, all of this was grown from seed:
- black prince tomato
- black cherry tomato
- chadwick cherry tomato
- break o day tomato
- emerald giant bell pepper
- jimmy nardello italian pepper
- corno di torro giallo pepper
- chile pepper
- anaheim pepper
- cambodian green giant eggplant
- listada de gandia eggplant
- arumugam's eggplant
- red onions
- garlic
- genovese basil
- lemon thyme
- regular thyme
- greek oregano
- italian oregano
- parsley
- marjoram
- lavender
- zucchini
- yellow crookneck squash
- sugar baby watermelon
- bowling red okra
- okra (another variety i can't remember atm)
- hale's best melon
- kentucky wonder bean
- russian kale (one plant grown from seed that has been producing since winter!)
- malabar spinach
- black seeded simpson lettuce
- vates (collards)
- red romaine lettuce
- rocky top lettuce mix
- brune d'hiver lettuce
- jericho lettuce
- space saver cucumber
- marketmore cucumber
- another cucumber variety
Wow, I didn't realize it was that many! And to think that I have probably 3-4x as many seed varieties as I do plants in the garden right now.
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